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Using History to Write Fantasy

Using History to Write Fantasy

I've LOVED history since I was very young. Among the first books I ever devoured were the Complete Encyclopedia Britannica, and I lost myself for hours in page after page of wonders and marvels of the ancient and modern world. From the Library at Alexandria to the reign of Genghis Khan to Custer's Last Stand to the Charge of the Light Brigade, history provides so many fascinating stories. Is it any wonder that so many fantasy authors (myself included) use history to write amazing novels? There is so much inspiration in history—everything from politics to religion to cultures to great heroes to epic battles. History not only gives fantasy stories context, but it provides both valuable lessons (of what not to do) and a look at a simpler time. I sat down with a few of my author friends and talked about how to use history to write amazing fantasy stories. I found it a fascinating topic, and I believe you will, too!


Michelle Irwin has been many things: a hobbit taking a precious item to a fiery mountain; a young child stepping through the back of a wardrobe into another land; the last human stranded not-quite-alone in space three million years in the future; and a time-travelling madman in a box. All of these feats and many more were achieved through her voracious reading. Eventually, the cast inside her mind took over and spilled onto the page. Michelle lives in sunny Queensland in the land down under. A lover of love and overcoming the odds, she primarily writes paranormal and fantasy romance. Social Links: Facebook Author page: Amazon: Website: Angie Grigaliunas (grig-ah-LOO-nahs) is a fantasy writer and blogger. She’s a country girl at heart, in the sense that she wants to be in nature and away from civilization. She loves Jesus, the woods, and the stars, and has always wanted to be a superhero with a secret identity. Seriously. She has completed three books: one about elves that needs a massive revision before it ever sees the light of day, one that is part of her current story but also needs a massive revision to fit a new storyline, and the actual first book (Sowing) in her dystopian/medieval/grimdark/semi-romance series (The Purification Era). When she’s not writing, she’s usually Facebooking – ack! – or thinking about story stuff. Despite several of her writing friends claiming she’s Canadian, she is not; she lives in Ohio with her dear husband and their crazy cats. Caterina Pryde, sometimes writer, editor at Worlds of Wonder Michael R. Baker is twenty-six years old and lives in the United Kingdom. An avid fan of history and fantasy, he graduated from the University of Sunderland with a Bachelor's Degree in History and Politics, and he has always found the history of world culture's fascinating. Writing however has always been an interest to him, especially fantasy. He has been building his own fantasy world of Rengar for most of his life. The first novel in his Counterbalance trilogy will be released this year. Website: Blog: I discuss games and writing, but it’s mainly my video game blog, if you like it, check it out, will cover lots of other stuff! Facebook: Patreon: A.A. Jankiewicz (known to most as Agnes) hails from the city of Pickering, Ontario. Her debut novel ‘Q-16 and the Eye to All Worlds’ was published as part of her thesis project at Durham College as part of the Contemporary Media Design Program. Prior to that, she graduated from York University with a BFA in Film Theory, Historiography and Criticism. When she’s not busy plotting the next great adventure, writing, doodling, tinkering in the Adobe suite programs or mellowing out with her friends, she enjoys walks with her four-legged companion Meesha. She is currently working on the next instalment in the Q-16 series. Website: