As I started writing Child of the Night Guild, I knew I wanted to take my character along a journey from innocent child to cold, hard criminal. The things she will end up doing in Books 2 and 3 are definitely not the sort of thing a well-adjusted person does—makes sense, given all the things she endures.
I considered whether or not to make her a sociopath or psychopath. In a way, that would almost give her an excuse for doing what she does, and would add an interesting new dimension to the character. In the end, I didn't go down that route, but I learned a lot of fascinating things about psychopaths.
For example, did you know that you can often spot a psychopath from a pretty young age? In doing my research, I came across this article on Psychology Today that pointed to some interesting signs:

- Bullying other children
- Abuse of pets (family and otherwise)
- Engaging in petty thievery and criminal acts
- Lack of empathy
- Superficial charm
- Shallow and short-lived emotions
- Manipulativeness and tendency to lie
- Selfishness
- Punishment doesn't affect their behavior
- Inability to show remorse
- Impulsiveness