I, Andy Peloquin, challenge you, Victoria DeLuis, to a duel to the death! But it is not we who will fight, but our characters…
In the black corner, weighing in at 180 pounds, standing a cool 6 feet tall, the Hunter of Voramis!
Tale of the Tape:
Tale of the Tape:

- Superhuman reflexes, strength, speed–think Captain America, but stronger
- Thousands of years of weapons training
- Body has accelerated healing factor–can survive a sword to the heart (can be killed by drowning, iron weapons, beheading, and suffocation)
- Cannot be killed by anything but iron
- Accursed dagger that heals him when he kills
- No magical abilities whatsoever
- No hesitation to kill if he perceives opponent as a threat/obstacle to his desires–classic anti-hero

- Cassie is the bearer of a Caim tattoo infused with metal from the Pair Dadeni (the Black Cauldron of Rebirth). This tattoo enhances her magical ability to:
- Control spirits and raise the dead
- Cast a powerful circle of protection, that creates a shockwave of energy around her, casting her enemies away and denying them the chance to cause her physical harm
- If gravely injured, the tattoo brings forth the power of the cauldron of rebirth and heals her mortal wounds
- A guardian of trapped souls, Cassie has released thousands of spirits trapped within enchanted artefacts and sent them to their awaiting afterlife, and she would feel it her duty to free those trapped within Soulhunger