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Words that Make Your Writing Weaker

No matter what you write, you want it to be strong. It's how you get your point across in emails, make friends on social media, or share your thoughts via a blog. Strong writing is the opposite of the crap you see on Twitter, Facebook, and all those other sites where "ppl rite like ths". Want to tighten up your writing and make it stronger? Ditch these words:
  • Just. Very rarely will you need to use it. Unless you "just" returned from the moon, you can ditch the word.
  • Very. Is it "very" important? It sounds good when spoken, but it's weak when written.
  • Really. Same rules apply as with very. It doesn't add anything to your text.
  • Perhaps. Unless you're writing a conversation between two people, don't use perhaps or maybe. They're weak words, and they show your uncertainty.
  • Amazing. There are lots of awesome words, but amazing isn’t one of them. It dilutes the "amazing-ness" of your writing.
  • Quite. This word is total writing fluff. It's quite useless to add it to sentences.
  • Got. Have you got the time, or do you have the time? Which sounds better?
  • Literally. Even if something literally is what you're saying it is, you don't need to use the word.
  • Things. Stuff and things are two words to always stay away from, no matter what you're writing about. They're just too generic and casual.
Bonus: Adverbs. Stephen King tries to use as few adverbs as possible, and look how his writing comes out. According to a Stony Brook University Study, books that have a lot of adverbs sell poorly. It's the books with strong nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and determiners that do best. If someone is "walking silently", couldn't they be "ghosting, sneaking, or prowling"? Ditch adverbs to tighten up your writing! Thanks to: