I, Andy Peloquin, challenge you, Matt Posner, to a duel to the death! But it is not we who will fight, but our characters…
In the black corner, weighing in at 180 pounds, standing a cool 6 feet tall, the Hunter of Voramis!
Tale of the Tape:
Tale of the Tape:

- Superhuman reflexes, strength, speed--think Captain America, but stronger
- Thousands of years of weapons training
- Body has accelerated healing factor--can survive a sword to the heart (can be killed by drowning, iron weapons, beheading, and suffocation)
- Cannot be killed by anything but iron
- Accursed dagger that heals him when he kills
- No magical abilities whatsoever
- No hesitation to kill if he perceives opponent as a threat/obstacle to his desires--classic anti-hero

- Wields an antique British light cavalry saber previously used by his great-grandfather in the Sepoy Mutiny
- Shoots with a bow hand-crafted for him by Arjuna, the great archer from the great Hindu epic "the Mahabharata"
- Combat-oriented magician with a diverse repertoire of offensive and defensive spells
- Can cast a concealment spell that makes him sort of invisible, although this is less effective against elite warriors (like the Hunter) if they are trying to spot him.
- Can cause intense pain, knock his opponent back or down with magic, disarm his opponent, and improvise spells on the fly based on emerging combat situations
- His spell-casting is unlimited, and he can work magic as much as the situation requires until he gets too distracted, tired, or wounded
- Physically, except for a slight resistance to physical blows and pain that is basically genetic, he is a normal person.