It's Bonus Book Review Saturday, and today we're delving into the world of children's books. This one is written by an awesome author friend of mine from San Diego, and it's a fun one to read to your kids…
The Fun House Mystery Adventure
It has been just over a year since Andrew (12), his cousin Lauren (10), and his little brother Tyler (6) defeated the villainous pirate Jack Frost in the strange game worlds of the brilliant, but enigmatic Professor Adams. Now, however, the trio of kid adventurers face their greatest challenge yet!

Journeying to a local store hoping to win Professor Adams’ newest gaming portal, they find it ransacked and the Professor missing, a strange blinding light behind a curtain in the room. Stepping through it, they find themselves once more drawn into the bizarre and remarkable game worlds the Professor has designed.
My Review: 4 Stars
If you want sweet, simple, and fun for smaller children, this is a fun read. It takes the main characters on an adventure into some pretty crazy and strange places, and you'll find your children (aged 6 to 10 or 12) will enjoy it.
It was definitely written for a younger audience, so the language is simple. That being said, there were still a few things about it that could stand improvement. There are a lot of passive sentences ("he was doing" instead of "he did"), a bit too much "telling" and foreshadowing ("little did he know what was happening next"), and a few punctuation mistakes. Even though the author was writing to a younger crowd, these are mistakes that would make it better.
It's a fun book, and with the revisions made, it would be one I'd recommend for my younger kids.
About the Author:
R. D. Trimble is the author of The Andrew Chronicles which feature his children Andrew and Tyler. He also has authored over a dozen other novels and illustrated books for children and young adults. As the father of an Autistic child, he pledges to donate 50% of all net profits from his books to causes which research and seek treatment for Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders. This particular novel however pledges 50% of its net profits to, an organization which seeks to provide assistance to all suffering from Childhood rare AutoInflammatory Diseases (CAID). He resides in San Diego, California with his wife Nickcole and sons Andrew and Tyler.
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