For a writer, there's nothing worse than staring at a blank sheet of paper and having no idea what to write! Creative writing can be challenging, and it takes practice to get accustomed to sitting down and starting writing.
That's where writing prompts come in handy. Writing prompts are simple images or ideas that serve as a springboard for ideas. Just like artists do random sketches to prepare for their work, you can use these writing prompts and stimuli as a warm up to get you in the "mindset" for real writing.
Here are a few of the best places to find writing prompts and stimuli:
Pinterest -- Want some weird ideas to tickle your brain? The Pinterest page Writing Stimulus has some pretty unique images that will get your mind working and give you creative writing ideas. With nearly 100 pins, there's a lot to help you get creating!
Writer's Digest -- Without a doubt, Writer's Digest is one of the best resources for writers! Their writing prompts page has literally HUNDREDS of prompts, both for writing prose and poetry. You'll find prompts for just about every genre in fiction (and even a few for non-fiction), helping you to get started writing no matter how badly you're blocked.
Reddit -- The Reddit thread "Writing Prompts" has hundreds of posts of all lengths, with ideas for just about everything you could imagine (and, true to Reddit form, many you'd have never dreamed of). It's worth scrolling down the list to see if any of the weird and unusual ideas knock something loose in your mind.
Daily Teaching Tools -- This page has 180 different writing prompts, mainly questions to ask yourself. Answering these questions will get your creative writing brain working, helping you to break the writer's block and get back to creating.