For today's creative writing resources post, I'm bringing something that's not just good for authors, but also for journalists, creative writers, bloggers, and just about EVERYONE else who engages in creative writing.
Poynter is a website aimed at journalists. It provides news articles, training courses, and even job resources to help journalists learn more about the industry overall. I have no idea how good the courses are, but they're worth considering if you intend to be a journalist.
However, the Tips and Tricks section is where I want to direct your attention. It's filled with gems aimed at better news articles:

- 4 ways to use photos in your multimedia stories
- A checklist of red flags for fact-checkers during breaking news
- Your quest for a lead starts with these questions about your story
- Five ways to get readers talking and posting on social media
- Social Media: Strategies and Tools for News
- How to end your story in a way that lingers in your viewer's heart
- 9 ways to review and revise your writing
- Why it matters where you place modifiers in a sentence
- Here's how you can use punctuation with power and purpose
- Take the work seriously, not yourself, and other lessons from Pulitzer-winning collaborations