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Oh the Stress!

There are times in life when things are totally crazy, and boy does it make you grateful for the times when things are calm! I'm going through a pretty hectic time of life right now. I'm trying to finish the rough draft of Book 3 of my series The Last Bucelarii, all while trying to work on a new novel that I'm creating as part of a Writer's Bootcamp that I'm participating in. I thank the gods that I'm near the end of the rough draft, but I'm almost certain that the final round of edits for Book 1 are going to be sent over the minute I type "The End" in Book 3. The work doesn't stop with just the final edits for Book 1. I still have to plan the book launch, which involves writing a lot of emails, guest posts, and author interviews. All the while, work on this new untitled Bootcamp novel will continue every day, and hopefully I'll manage to get some work done on the second draft of Book 2 in The Last Bucelarii series so that I can submit it to the publisher and have it ready to go for March 2016. All this on top of my regular work duties, my duties as a parent/significant other, and my attempts to diet and exercise. This makes Andy a very busy boy, with almost no time free to do those extra little things I want to do. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I LOVE having things to work on, and I know that these various tasks are exhilarating--they give me a sort of purpose in life. But, if I fail to respond to emails, don't send you friendly chat messages, or respond to questions and posts, now you know why. Fingers crossed that I don't go bald in the next few months! I will get through this alive and, hopefully, sane…